Welcome to Leaven Men’s Ministry. A journey of transformation, encountering Jesus in the sacraments
Weekly Gatherings: Every Saturday, 8am - 10am @ Church of the Assumption, 2116 Cornwall Ave, Bellingham, WA 98225
Our values are summarized by “The Three C’s”: Courage, Commitment, and Character. Our conviction is that all men desire authentic relationships with God and each other with purpose and purity of heart and conduct.
In honesty and humility, every man can be a consistent and courageous witness, true to his values and beliefs, and a resource and mentor for others. Our model is St. Joseph and St. Ignatius of Antioch
With a passion to see Jesus’ Sacred Heart in himself and all people, every man can trust the Holy Spirit to gift and assist him in discovering the Lord’s true priorities in his life, building, and growing character, and living a life of integrity and virtue. Models are St. Francis of Assisi and St. Thomas Aquinas
With resolute purpose, every man can live out a commitment to pursue the redemptive goals of discipleship and holiness in every area of life: family, vocation, parish, and community. Model is St. Paul and St. Benedict.